Taiya M. Powe: Cranial Prosthesis Specialist Orlando, Florida

Taiya M. Powe: Cranial Prosthesis Specialist Orlando, Florida

I have always had a passion for hair. I have done my hair, and others hair since I was a little girl. I have been doing hair professionally on and off since I was 18, and I have been back doing hair full time for almost four years now.

What do you enjoy as a Cranial Prosthesis Specialist?

Genuinely, the joy of making women feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin, especially in such a sensitive time as this is the highlight for me.

How do you want to help your clients?

I want to help my clients by giving them an alternative that they so deserve.

What do you love about the community you work and live in?

What I love about the community that I work in is that people are very supportive, and I'm always meeting potential clients or people who may know someone that could use my assistance.
This cranial prosthesis avenue was nothing but God's calling for me. I have been called to help others, and I happily answer.
My family has dealt with the loss of my grandmother who passed away from cancer last February. She had a short fight, but then my aunt was also diagnosed. I watched her fight tirelessly and persevered through that battle.
She lost her hair, and that's where my first thought of wanting to make wigs for women who are going through unfortunate events to make them feel beautiful again.
I would love have the pleasure of doing that for every single woman, man and child I come across that I'm able to help.

Connect with Taiya M. Powe in Orlando, Florida

Website - taiyastouch.com
Instagram - @taiyas.touch
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